Friday, December 2, 2011

Things haven't changed too much for me since the last time I blogged. I did take my PTCB exam on my birthday and I passed =] sooo happy thats over and done with!

I think about Aiyush a lot lately. Wishing I could talk to him like I used to :( miss him so much. Seems like it was just yesterday that we were skyping with each other. It's coming up on 2 yrs that my dad passed too :( I printed some of Amandas wedding pics and just wish he could have been there to walk her down the aisle, and to meet Ken. Now Naomi is in and out of the hospital and the doctors only give her 3-6mths to live. Seems like everyones dying around me. I know death is a part of life but it just seems so unfair.

My social life still sucks..the one person I can be myself around and truly be happy with lives a million miles away and just feels like Im never going to be happy. I can't leave my family and would never ask him to leave his. Life is just unfair. Found out that Fathey blocked me..someone I loved and cared about and he chooses to break my heart again. Sometimes I wonder why I even take Prozac..why I even give a shit about give away pieces of your heart and you get slapped in the face...just doesn't seem worth it anymore.