I'm no good at expressing how I feel most of the time, unless its to show that I'm pissed :P so bare with my ramblings :P
This year has been quite a ride for me.. there have been many good things that happened to me this year and some pretty awful things too. Earlier this summer I lost a friend of mine who thought that taking his own life was the way to get away from his pain..he left behind a great family and a terrific son who miss him terribly. I think about him a lot and try and remember the fun times we had..just a few months later I was at work and was told that Aiyush has killed himself and I lost it..it was a total shock to us all. He was such a good friend to me and I just wish I had been a little better friend to him. I loved him dearly and would have done anything for him. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him and wish he were back :( but he too thought this was the way to end his suffering..I only wish they had given it a little more thought. I know they didnt want any of us hurting, but a lot of us still are. I thought that was going to be the last of the bad news of 2009..then about a month ago, one of my bosses husband was in a motorcycle accident and was killed instantly. I hung out with them often and he would always come to our job to joke around..He was a great father, husband and friend and will surely be missed by many.
I hope those of you that have lost someone finds peace in your heart and those of you that are feeling alone or desperate to always know there is always an option..there's always hope..there's always another way. You can talk to me whenever you feel you need to...and if need be, I can call you wherever you are, any time <3 <3
2009 was also kind of an eye opener for me..I started on fb years ago and was just the real "me"..then I started to try and photoshop "me" into what I thought people wanted me to be. If I got attention then I kept the lie going.. So I was a fake. I decided to come clean with the push from someone, and have felt like the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I no longer had to pretend anymore and those that chose to stop talking to me (you know who you are) are just missing out. Nobody's perfect and I'm starting to see that. I got an inbox message from quite a few people saying how proud they were of me and that I actually inspired a couple people. That made me feel really good to think that just being myself would help someone else do the same one day. I have missed a few of the ones who are no longer speaking to me, but I'm going to move on and they're going to regret not knowing me like they should :) I even got on cam for a few people, there's no photoshopping on your cam lol So no more fake me..all you're getting is the real MeMe, under eye bags and all :P
So what are my New Years Resolutions? Hmm well I have quit smoking (a little over a month now..yay me) and I'm not biting my nails anymore lol I was trying to beat Fathey but that doesn't seem to be working lol so for me..it's gonna be health related, inner and outer.
1. I'm going to start eating and living healthier
2. I'm going to work on my temper (shocking huh lol bet most of you didn't know I had one (A) )
3. Going to start loving myself
4. Manage my finances MUCH better than I have been
5. Try and get along with my family more :/
6. Have a more positive attitude towards life and will not rely on others to make or keep me happy. I will be the one in charge of my own destiny and happiness from now on :) It's hard to let people in and then have things fall apart..so I'll be more guarded but will still be willing to let the walls down a bit ;)
I do plan on meeting my Twinny and wifeys this year so that has to be a sign that the year will be much better than the last :) Can you see all of us together in one place :O I smell trouble lol
So if you've managed to stay awake through this..thank you :P
I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year, may all your hearts be filled with love, happiness and comfort <3 <3 I'm sincerely glad to call you my friends and family :)
MeMe :)