Saturday, May 14, 2011


I seem to be as bad at keeping up with this as I do my New Years Resolutions lol Geez I really need to keep up with this. Even if I don't think anyone reads helps to get things out sometimes.

So..Amanda and Ken are getting married in about a month and I still haven't picked out my dress lol but I did narrow it down to 2, so thats good :P I'm really happy for her and can't wait to see her even happier. They are honestly made for each other and I've never seen her so the fact that he treats her and Bella like princesses is great. Maybe one day it'll be my turn.

I got another surprise gift from Mahir :) he sent me a silver heart shaped necklace a few weeks ago <3 he always finds ways of making me smile and has great taste in jewelry :P I hope we get to meet one day...

Started playing Evony again...Angel (aka Punk) and I get along really well..he makes me laugh and already knows who his boss is (that would be me lol). He's really easy to talk to and lets me whine to him, which is a plus haha But Oh Em Gee I need to stop using my fucking credit card on that game lol

ok..enough rambling for now..back to cleaning

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