Saturday, January 3, 2009

FOR SALE..err..umm..FREE

OMG I have a brother in law I will ship to you for FREE! I don't know how my sister puts up with him :S He hasn't worked in 3 fuckin years..yes I said 3! He sits on his ass and plays games or gets online for most of his day, the other parts are divided between shitting, sleeping and eating. I am almost certain he doesn't shower but once a month either *gags* Granted, he did have a heart attack last year...but that was LAST YEAR and he's living off my parents..or should I say mooching off of them? He's in his late 30's so there is no reason why he can't get his lazy ass up and find a job! I'd even settle for him slinging burgers and fries than to sit and do absolutely nothing while my sister works 2 jobs (yes I know something is wrong with her to put up with such shit). I was tempted to have someone hack into his account and screw his pc up so he can't get online..but he'd only get my sister to buy him a new one. We argue about this a lot because he treats her nice in front of the family but treats her like shit other times. Knowing she has 2 jobs he is online til all hours of the morning waking her up with his chatting, typing and game playing. She claims she can't make him do anything..sending his ass back to live with his brother is my plan :P I mean, wouldn't you feel kinda bad to be living in someone's house and the only thing you contribute is helping to bring in the groceries and taking out the garbage?? I know I would! Oh and the heart attack..he can't use that as an excuse because my dad had 3 in one month 2 years ago and he went back to work after about 5 months. If I could break them up without her getting hurt, I would. Well, maybe not..but somethings gotta be done. Our younger sister even put in applications for him online..but its no use because when they call he never answers the phone. Claims he has anxiety and gets physically sick when he interviewed OK! So seriously..anyone wanting a freeloading-lazy-mid 30's-male..let me know ;) I will ship for FREE!



  1. aaaaMmmYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

    you blog too?!! wheee! <3

  2. Yep :P used to a long time ago and just started up again :)
